I recently did an update to the site and like everything, it’s a work in progress that gets slid into everything else I do. I have further enhancements I have yet to incorporate, both new content and site structural builds will take place simultaneously.
Above is a new link that leads to the place where I will post ongoing Dark Matters Chronicles: Days of Creation comics. The intent is that it provides me the opportunity to explore style and approach in story, illustration, composition, format and colour. With anything, it takes time and effort to bring an idea closer to where it needs to be. This is my proving ground. I can explore the personalities that inhabit my world, and provide greater depth to who they are, and where I wish to take them. Where all this goes, I don’t have the faintest idea. I have a trajectory that, to my better understanding, reflects current industry trends, and I can just be creative and explore boundaries.
Whether anyone reads these comics is unknown to me, because all I get is spam bot garbage comments. Geez … ain’t technology grand. So if you happen to trip over something that stirs you, leave a comment.